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Registracija v portal Zavoda GSD je namenjena članom Zavoda GSD, katerim so na ta način dostopne dodatne vsebine glede opravljanja nastanitvene dejavnosti in kategorizacije nastanitvenih objektov, vključno z obrazci za kategorizacijo. Informacije o članstvu, pristopni obrazec in podatke za plačilo članarine najdete v rubriki »ČLANSTVO«.
Registracijo v portal aktiviramo po prejemu Pristopne izjave za članstvo v Zavodu GSD in plačilu članarine.
Registration is meant only for members of the Hospitality of the Slovenian Homes, Institute - Zavod GSD, who have the access to the information about requirements and other activities needed for short term letting of private accommodations, as private rooms, apartments, holiday houses, boarding houses, guesthouses, farm stays, small hotels and vineyard cottages. The information about the membership, application form and data for the payment of the membership are available in the section 'ČLANSTVO'.
The registration will be activated after we receive the application form and payment of the membership.
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